Saturday 17 March 2018

The Small Folk - By Jacob

The Small Folk

They had lived there for as long as he could remember. Generations and generations passed, but very little changed. They kept themselves to themselves, hidden away from the world. Solitary, peaceful, different: they enjoyed staying out of the limelight. They enjoyed letting others be the centre of attention. Until Now

There was a boy he was named Edwyrd Elaynore. Edwyrd loved watching the lake at sunset while the dolphins leaped out of the lake and splashed back in Edwyrd always wanted to ride one like the legend said a man named Ikorr, The Owner Of The Mountains. In Legend Ikorr would find The Mountains and claim them to the Species Of The Small Folk. Then the legend said that Ikorr ran away to a far away land. The Elaynores had lived there for years and would cherish Ikorr, Edwyrd only found out that Ikorr was the start of the Elaynores. Edwyrd never liked to think that the Edicate Ikorr set was a good one. Edwyrd Loved to Explore, Imagine and See the world. 

One day Edwyrd woke up at the crack of dawn with someone wrapping on the door “what is someone doing wrapping on my door at this time” thought Edyward so he ran out of his beutiful Lime Bedroom and opened the door to see a Wizard but this was not any old wizard this was Fleperune. Fleperune had dark gray hair with a bright teal robe and a purple polka dot hat that was quite tall and thin. Fleperune was the Wizard of The Mountains. Fleperune rarely came down from his hut in The Mountains, this was a great surprise. “Mister Edwyrd I hear you like a good adventure will you do one for me since I am so dearly old” asked Fleperune “if yes meet me at the end of Fleetguard Way at 6pm tonight. As he closed the door behind him. Edward knew what he needed to do. So he packed his bag and ran off to the end of Fleetguard Way.

Fleperune was already there like he teleported as Fleperune said “touch” as he pointed to a very unusual brick with patterns carved into the brick Edwyrd touched the brick and his feet left the ground and this spinning feeling started to happen and Poof he landed in a very unusual room on the top of The Mountains. Flepurune looked at Edwyrd then looked at this very unusual picture on the wall. Edwyrd recognised this immediately as the evil dragon Bruterrynth, The Dragon of Red. In legend Ikorr fought Bruterrynth and scared him out of The Mountains and aways far away but one day Bruterrynth came back and took Ikorr from The Mountains and very far away.

Giant Teacup - By Liam

‘Man, do I have to be in this blindfold?’ 

‘WACK what was that?’ I took off my blindfold and saw a giant tea cup stuck in the ground. 

‘What the heck, where has this come from? I wonder if it has come from giants? Maybe they thought the sea was their dishwasher and it washed up on the shore!

But I think to myself, that's impossible. What if superheroes were actually alive? Maybe they wanted to try and make a new invention. Maybe I should get some investigators to help me find out where it comes from…

Hanging On - By Zac

It all happened so quickly! One minute he was standing on the platform, the next he was hurtling through the air, hanging on for dear life I attempted to shout “STOP THE TRAIN!” to the conductor but it was no use the train was speeding into the distance as it goes faster and faster like a engine slowly powering up by second and preparing to zoom off.

The train was about to leave as I try to catch up and repeatedly shout the same thing over and over and over, but I can’t believe nobody has seen him trying to hang on for the entire time! I was then losing my breath to sprint. I was panting with my hands on my thighs while I bend my back down a bit gasping for air. There has to be another way to stop the train and I must think fast.

I then spot another train that was about to take off, I had the perfect but most risky idea come into my mind which is ride the train like how my Son did yeah.. I didn’t have a ticket to get into it so I had to do it. I then held onto the train as it sped up until then a guard noticed me and shouted “HEY!” at me so I panicked and I tried climbing onto the roof of the train.

I saw the guard talk on his radio and I turned the other way whilst on the train then about 10 minutes later a helicopter was above me chasing the train It must be after me so I tried climbing across the train and into a safe spot. The train was catching up to the other one with my son on it hopefully I can get him and get home safely, I see the other train with my Son still hanging on so I attempted to get onto the roof of the train but then the helicopter was shining a bring light on me which almost made me fall off.

The train were both close to each other so I got ready to jump over and land on the other train I said to myself “3, 2, 1 AND GO!” as I soar over to the other side almost falling down which then I attempted to get to my son and grab him. I see my son almost letting go so I grabbed him and pulled him up and now we have to get off this train and fast.

Hanging On - By Riya

Hanging On
It all happened so quickly! One minute he was standing on the platform, the next he was hurtling through the air, hanging on for dear life…

My mind was on the brink of exploding. Fear coursed through my veins making my heart feel as if snakes were wrapping around it, squeezing all the life and air out of my body. I could hear kids screaming on the platform, their shrieks resembling a chorus of tortured souls.The hot metal burning into my skin was agonizing that I nearly let go of the train’s railing. Then sunlight pierces my eyes making them water.39 degrees worth of hot sun scorched the back of my neck as if I was being baked alive in an oven.The low-hanging trees smacked me in the face at rapid speed like a high schooler beating up a 10 year old.People were looking out of the train window in astonishment, fear and anxiety.One guy fainted the moment he looked at me.The ticket master opened the compartment door and threw out a hand for me to grab.I couldn’t reach. “MOVE CLOSER KID!”he cried.Hesitation gripped my mind.Should I or shouldn’t I? “YOU CAN DO IT!JUST JUMP!”shouted the man urgently.Would I be able to?I always failed in long jump at school.Maybe I should because I know I can’t hold on for to long.I put both hands on the railing and start to swing.One...two...three!I regretted this decision as soon as I jumped.I could hear people screaming then my head collided into the train track and I died.

Weird and Curious - By Tiana

My family has been running a “ Weird and Curiosity Show” for generations and tomorrow the show is being held, but my family have run out of ideas. “No ideas?!” My father panics, my mother calms him. 

I have plenty of ideas but they never seem to want them. Who cares Im going to do it. I go to my backyard and get working, I dig holes, get bits and pieces and voila. My very own Giant Teacup. 
My parents came outside and were astonished, I gave them a hug. 
The show day arrives and everyone absolutely loved it.

A giant teacup in the grass? By Callum

A teacup growing in some grass, this has no physics why would it be there? Maybe there is some coffee inside that has made the grass grow inside it. When could this event happen? Could it be when giants ruled the world ?

Archaeologists can find that out for us. It is beyond human science that a giant cup has fallen from the sky so maybe a giant dropped it. This could be proof about aliens…. maybe they decided to pay a visit to earth to make a cup of tea.
This a total mystery to be honest.

Teacup - By Bella E

I’m at the spooky house that everybody is afraid of to hand Brian his homework that I did for him, because he told me to. If i didn’t, then who knows what he would’ve done to me. Anyway, I walk onto the lawn and look at the probably haunted house while I wait for the bully to come. He comes around the corner with his malevolent friends and dirty clothes. I’m so scared that I drop the report onto the wet grass. I feel my heart stop. As he starts running towards me a giant tea cup falls on him.